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1、 You are so beautiful, suddenly feel that all the love words are less than half of you.

2、 You smile, even the thunder outside the window has become gentle up.

3、 可以对我笑一笑吗,我今天有点低血糖。

4、 Just one look at me made me feel better.

5、 I'm sorry I secretly liked you without your permission.

6、 我年纪大了很怕被人凶,希望你对我只有宠。

7、 奉劝你早点娶我,免得夜长梦多。

8、 我的眼睛里只容得下你,因为你的脸好大,我没办法看到别人。

9、 Please choose to accept or reject their application for residency in your heart.

10、 I don't believe in constellations, because I'm made for you.

11、 别再问我心里有没有你,不信你闻,我连呼出来的空气都是你。

12、 You're my killer. You're my superpower.

13、 我不信什么星座,因为我是为你量身定做。

14、 不想再做人见人爱的小仙女了,想做你太太。

15、 I urge you to marry me early, so that you won't have many dreams.

16、 你只看了我一眼,我的心情就阴转晴了。

17、 Can you smile at me? I'm a little low in blood sugar today.

19、 你是我的必杀技,也是我的超能力。

20、 你这么好看,忽然觉得所有的情话都不及你半分。

21、 你一笑,连窗外的雷声都变得温柔了起来。

22、 未经过你允许,就偷偷喜欢你,真是对不起。

23、 I want to buy a compass. Every time I see you, I lose my bearings.

24、 我想买个指南针,每次看到你就找不着北了。

25、 一见钟情很容易,但难的是来日方长。

26、 I want you to eat the family bucket, after eating we will be a family.

27、 本来想勇闯天涯的,可是转头遇见了你,我便不想走了。

28、 I only have room for you in my eyes, because your face is so big that I can't see anyone else.

29、 Love is not as deep as company, if love needs no talk.

30、 遇见你的那一刻,我人生最美好的时刻就来了。

31、 It's easy to fall in love at first sight.

32、 情深不及久伴,若爱无需多言。

33、 It doesn't matter if life is hard, you still have sweet me.

34、 The best moment of my life came when I met you.

35、 Don't ask me whether I have you in my heart, don't believe you smell, I breathe out of the air are you.

36、 我想请你吃全家桶,吃完我们就是一家人了。

37、 I am old and afraid of being fierce, I hope you only spoil me.

38、 I don't want to be a popular fairy anymore. I want to be your wife.

39、 生活苦一点没关系,你不是还有甜甜的我嘛。

40、 对方申请在你心里落户,请选择接受还是拒绝。

41、 Originally wanted to brave the world, but turned to meet you, I don't want to go.


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