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作文-关于on civil right(对民事权利)作文150字

  以下就是最新发布的on civil right(对民事权利)作文150字的详细优秀作文参考文章,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给摘抄给大家学习。

  Civil Rights were beginning from the Magna Carter in 1215 signed by King John This document let many lower class and middle class people especially lower class have some same rights as the nobles There were many kings trying to get absolute power back like King James I King Charles I King Charles II and King James II But England after The Glorious Revolution the place of the Civil Rights never change again and now the country like Canada and US were one of the country that follow the Civil Rights So if King John didn't sign the Magna Carter then we won't have today's history


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作文-关于第一次做“妈妈”作文1 作文-关于春季花作文50字 作文-关于一堂有趣的语文课作文2 作文-关于on civil right(对民 作文-关于学习的乐趣作文250字 作文-关于捡起一粒电池,保护一 作文-关于六一儿童节作文250字